I love Rocky Road fudge and ice cream, but this isn't about indulging in desserts. Though I'm sure I can twist it so it is. lol
Recently, I turned down a speaking engagement to a small group local writers. The thought of it terrified me – I’m not one to do public appearances, do speeches, nor am I one to enjoy being pointed out as an example of someone to watch and learn from. I simply do my job, whatever it may be on any given day.
Aside from my personal fears, the offer of speaking about my writing career, how I came to be published and so on gave me much pause. Being in this realm for barely a year, there is so much I still have to learn. There are many things I still do not know.
A friend of mine yelled at me for not doing it and ordered me to never turn down another opportunity. She’s made me sit down and think about what I’ve learned over the last year.
This is what I do know:
A) Write what you love, don’t change it to follow some trend. If your heart isn’t in it, it’s not going to work as well as it should.
B) Don’t be a grammar guru until you finish the first draft, write naturally, especially in dialog. Use contractions and avoid short, choppy sentences. You want your writing to be smooth, one sentence flowing into the next. I don’t care what the genre is, if a sentence starts off rugged and stops abruptly, and this is the pattern of the writing, I’m going to toss it across the room with a few choice words.
C) Research, research and research your points of the story that may be a blocker for some readers. If it’s something you know from experience, do not write it as if it’s the only way.
Seriously, a couple of years ago I read a book where they used plaster mannequins and the couple knocked it from it’s platform in the store window and not one single part of it broke. It pulled me from the story to double-check my own common sense. How hard was the research? The first page of search results all said the same thing - plaster chips and breaks and this is why they've gone to plastic and nylon figures. Another time, the author’s wording of how it was an impossibility for a woman who’s had a tubligation to have it reversed, it was permanent. I was living proof she was wrong as I sat there reading it.
D) Find a terrific critique partner. One who will work with you and not against you. I recently explained to a publisher about why I couldn’t finish a three story book they put out last year. And questioned why it was even published – did the editors fail the author or did the authors fail themselves and pointed out areas for point. Of course, there was no response, but maybe they’ll be more careful.
Those pieces needed the help of a good critique group. Major sequence issues, holes in the story, the second story had major characterization issues. The second story was worse than the first, so no way was I going to waste my time with the third story.
E) Normally, I tell people to run with their gut feelings, but in this business, you need to be more attuned. You need to research publishers further than what is written on their websites. Read between the lines of their authors you speak to or read blogs about. Often you can get a better sense from what they aren’t saying. You know – when a message is full of fluff, you know they’re hiding something. Don’t be afraid to email authors privately. Some won't respond, most will.
On the published author side of things based on an e-author status with only one publisher at this point in time:
A) The moment you sign the contract, you take on more titles than ‘author’. All of sudden you’re Public Relations, Marketing Analyzer, Advertizer, Promoter, Graphics Designer, Bookeeper, etc. And the only one you’re going to be paid for is the ‘author’ title which means the unpaid titles you carry must become workhorses. Juggling it all is an issue we all wonder how and when a balance will come. The market changes more often than the weather, so your approach has to change.
B) Your work is going to be reviewed. Oh, boy! Toughen up, because some readers, some reviewers are going to reap you over the coals. When I receive one of these, my first instinct is to do ‘damage control’, because it's my training from so many years in food service.
C) Not every publisher works the same way. Not every editor has the same acceptance and unacceptance of aspects of your writing. For example - one may allow you to use ‘But,’ to start off a sentence where you want the emphasis while another wants that comma removed. Learn from your editors, but be cautious of changing your voice or your story to something you can’t live with.
D) Keep your chin up and push on even if the genre you’re writing isn’t the beloved the trend. You’re being true to yourself, don’t be ashamed to flaunt it.
E) I had so many questions that I believe there should be a handbook to guide new authors.
On a more personal basis. I’ve found that I miss all the writing time that used to be for purely my own pleasure. I’ve had a rough few months writing book three of my Servin’ It Up series because it’s not the story I intended. My intention was a romantic suspense – my characters said, "Absolutely not." We fought and fought. The story is complete and in the hands of my critique group. What happens to it now, time will tell. I think I needed a break from it with the effects of recent events weighing me down. Most likely, when I look at it again, I'll love the story and have to bow down and kiss the character's feet.
Instead, I’ve been working on a series tentatively called Uniform Love – it’s a four book series of military women and men living every day lives in their chosen fields of radar technicians and set in the years of 1996 and 1997. (There is a reason for this time frame.) There might possibly be a fifth book, but I wrote the first two back in 1995 and the second two in 2006. The stories range from mainstream to women’s lit with varying degrees of heat and controversial issues.
I can’t tell you what a relief it is to work with these wonderful people. I’m feeling good again. I’m excited to get up in the morning and open up the files. I’m anxious to get home from work and sit down with them.
This is the part of me I lost when I accepted my first contract offer. It threw me into a tizzy of a tailspin. Not that I wasn’t thrilled. But sometimes you set your goals so high, you believe it will never happen. And when it does... You have a sense of ‘what’s next?’ ‘how can you top it?’ ‘what’s left?’ And then of course, the head game. ‘how’s this going to affect my writing?’ ‘am I going to lose what I have going?’ Oh, boy! Pool this with the new head titles I took on – how could I possibly stand in front of a group of strangers wanting my view on things and feel like I’m helping them.
Wow, what a road it’s been? I’m looking forward to this year, next year and many years down the road. I love writing. It’s who I am. I need it like I need air.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Rocky Road Isn't Just a Flavor
Posted by Bekki Lynn at 10:12 AM 8 comments
Labels: Bekki Lynn
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
"MUCHO CALIENTE!" voted LASR Best Book of 2008
Blurb for “Mucho Caliente!”:
Chapter 1
It is available as an e-book from:
BookStrand, Mobipocket and All Romance Ebooks
For further information, please visit my website at http://www.francescaprescott.com/
Posted by Francesca Prescott at 1:34 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
It's Someone's Birthday
Glitterfy.com - Glitter Graphics
Posted by HEA Authors at 4:13 PM 7 comments
Labels: LIndsay Townsend
Monday, February 23, 2009
Where's the love?
Is the book you’re reading Paranormal Romance or Urban Fantasy? Truthfully, I’m an author in the genre and I still don’t know what the difference is. Some say Urban Fantasy is Paranormal Romance with a lot less emphasis on the romance. Others will tell you Urban Fantasy is just the new name for Paranormal Romance. But either way you go, you’re inevitably dealing with a world darker than what you’d find in most traditional romance novels.
I’ve been asked a number of times why I chose to bill my series as Dark Paranormal Romance instead of Urban Fantasy, and for me, the answer is always the same: I don’t want to lose the romance. Part of the appeal of setting my stories in a darker world is because when the romance happens, it means far more. When you’re thrust into a situation that threatens everything you know – a single look or touch can change everything.
Take Logan Ellis and Kerestyan Nelek from my debut novel Eternal Seduction. Logan is everything a heroine shouldn’t be. She’s homeless, addicted to drugs, detached from the world around her, and is nearly as jaded as some of the ancient vampires she finds herself involved with. So in the moments when she accepts Kerestyan’s offered hand or actually reaches for his, the simple gesture means so much more.
Here’s an example:
Logan squeezed Kerestyan’s hand when he laced his fingers between hers and gently pulled her around to face him. He gazed down at her, his blue eyes burning with emotions she couldn’t place. “Are you ready?”
She did her best to offer him a confident smile, but ended up shaking her head. “Honestly, no.” She reached up and smoothed the cascade of black hair spilling over his shoulder. “I was just starting to come to terms with being your prisoner, Lord Vampire.”
She shivered as he brushed the backs of his warm fingers down her cheeks before curling them behind her neck. He pressed his forehead to hers then closed his eyes and inhaled the steam her breath created as it mingled with the cold air.
He didn’t say anything. He didn’t move. He just stood there, his soft lips barely touching hers, breathing in her breath as though he needed it as much as she did.
That particular scene happens about halfway through the book. It’s one of my personal favorites, and I honestly don’t think it would have the same meaning if Logan wasn’t a darker character. Her nature allows some of the most overlooked gestures to become romantic: a shared look from across the room, Kerestyan’s strong hand at the small of her back, his warm lips against her cheek. For a heroine like Logan, who’s lost her faith in the world around her and cares about very little, a single look or gentle touch means more than flowers or candy ever could.
Personally, I thrive on writing a dark and dangerous world. I love finding characters who bend and break the traditional molds and give me a chance to paint love and romance in new ways. After all, you probably have a different idea of what love is than the person sitting next to you, and the characters you read about are no different. One person’s vision of a happily ever after may include a ring and a declaration of undying love, while another’s might be the realization that the person standing across from them makes them believe that love really is possible. I think romance, and the perception thereof, works the same way.
So that’s why I resist the Urban Fantasy moniker for my Dark Paranormal Romance series. If you take out the romance, what are you left with? Earth shattering battle sequences where the male and female leads just “like” each other? If that’s your thing, by all means – read what you like. :) But I’ll always be a fan of the story where a man and woman fight to overcome the odds together and find a way to pull each other from the darkness.
Jen Turner
Posted by Anonymous at 11:41 AM 6 comments
Saturday, February 21, 2009
A Happily Ever After from Colonial Yorktown
This week our four boys had school vacation so we took them down to Colonial Williamsburg for a good old fashioned family vacation. You can bet I didn't mention that it was the "educational" vacation! They actually really enjoyed it, as did my husband and I. One story in particular stuck with me.
Just before the revolutionary war the Jemison Family was attacked by Indians. Young Mary Jemison was abducted and taken into a Seneca Indian tribe. After a while, she accepted her fate and adapted to the tribal life. She married a warrior and had two children. When the Revolutionary war broke out, her tribe, like many were attacked and driven from their homes. Mary fled to the mountains and hid there through the winter with her children, and the help of two escaped slaves. After the war ended, Mary had the opportunity to be returned to her white family, but she chose to return to her Seneca Indian family.
Now....it may not be the happiest of endings....but it was definitely thought provoking. I like to believe that she had found true love with her Indian warrior and returning to him was her only wish. Maybe I am romanticizing her choice. Perhaps it was the mere fact that her children wouldn't have been accepted by her white family? As I walked through the various homes and read the stories of the people who carved out our freedom, I can't help but wonder what they were really like. Mary's story of challenge, loss, triumph, survival and love will be with me for some time.
Posted by Sara Humphreys at 5:13 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
The Bulls would be Furious
“The bulls would be furious!” isn’t the sort of statement one would expect from an eight-year old girl, riding up a chairlift above the ski slopes of a Swiss alpine resort in mid winter. At this time of the year, all bovines have long been escorted down the mountain by tanned, six-packed hotties in tight tee-shirts and faded denim. They’ve been washed, brushed, their bells removed and polished, and are tucked up cozily in their sheds, mooing contentedly, lazily chomping on Edelweiss laced hay fed to them by buxom, rosy-cheeked blondes skipping around in time to merry accordion music playing in the background.
Well, sort of… It’s a pleasant image, anyway.
What I do know from experience is that there are no bulls roaming the snow capped slopes, pawing the ground and tossing their horns at the hordes of tourists skimming down the resort’s vast choice of runs on sunny afternoons in February. The bulls would be furious? What on earth was my eight year old niece on about? What bulls? Where?
My husband wasn’t so sure either, riding alongside her on the chairlift, gazing absentmindedly at the sharp peaks cutting into the crystalline sky, a million mental miles away from toreadors hollering “Olé!” at fierce, snorting challengers. He twisted in his seat and turned to look at her, found her gazing down at a group of skiers in red jackets, shaking her head in exasperation. “What do you mean, Giovanna?” he asked.
Giovanna’s silver helmet flashed in the sunshine as she whipped her head around, eyeing him from behind her goggles like he was the ultimate dimwit. “Just look at all those red jackets!”
Lateral thinking, anyone?
xx Francesca
Francesca Prescott
"MUCHO CALIENTE! - Wish upon a Latino Superstar"
An effervescent romantic comedy
LASR: Best Long Book of the Year 2008 : "Laugh out loud hilarious!"
NOR: Reviewer Top Pick : "A seriously fun book with more twists and turns than expected"
Posted by Francesca Prescott at 9:39 AM 5 comments
Labels: BookStrand, Francesca Prescott, Ibiza, Mucho Caliente, romantic comdey, Switzeralnd
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Music, A Romance Author's Best bud!
It's my first time blogging at HEA and I am excited! My name is Kadian Tracey and I a sweet romance author. I write a little bit of everything from Interracial to Sheikhs because let's face it, love comes frome every where. If you want to learn more about me you can find me at my website. So today I'd like to blog about music. Whenever I write, I listen to music to get me in the mood persay. For example, if I want to write something angry, I will listen to everything from Metallica to Pink Floyd. Sadness comes through music the best. When it comes to writing something heart wrenching I listen to people like Ben Broussard's "Me Hitting the Ground" or Colin James' "Why'd you Lie." They are some wonderful tunes out there to get you into the writing mood. If I am in love but not ready for a love scene, I listen to a little TLC or old skool Salt N Peppa.
Should you want to chose songs for love scenes, anything from most of Robin Thicke's songs, Lost Without U, Teach u A Lesson, Complicated, Angel (my absolute favorite) and When I get You ALone. Lenny Kravitz's Dancing Til Dawn is a very SEXY one. Ths one is for all you ladies and gents that writes erotica or sensual.
The reason I thought it fit to write about music is because sometimes you may be going through writer's block I find the perfect thing to get you in the mood, pull you from that blockage is the perfect song! Try it sometimes - The next time you feel as though you need to write but nothing's coming, dig through your CD or MP3 collection or go youtube surfing for music vids. Below is a list of artists that I use when I need writing help. It is my hopes that after you listen to any of them they will help you.
Robin Thicke
*Epik High
*Rain(Bi) (Specific song: In My Bed, Love Story, Rainism, Ways to Escape the Sun)
*Jang Woo Hyuk
Luther Vandross
Keisha Cole
Lenny Kravitz
Colin James
Pink Floyd
Savage Garden
Backstreet Boys (Specific song: Love Is)
Nick Carter (specific song: Do I Have to Cry for You)
*Big Bang (Specific song: Haru Haru) (English Day by Day)
Gloria Estefan (specific song: Anything For you)
Toni Braxton (specific song: Breathe Again, Spanish Guitar)
Leona Lewis
Norah Jones
Keri Hilson
Pussycat Dolls (Specific song: I hate this part right here)
Changing Faces
Celine Dion (especially: I Drove All Night)
Kavana (Specific song: Will You Wait For Me (In Heaven))
Baby Face aka Kenneth Edmunds
Jon B
Mr. Mister
And just in case you were having a bad day? Here's something to make you laugh. Mad TV spoof or R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet. Please click here.
* - Another language other than english. Song/artists can be found on youtube with english sub titles
**- sings in english as well as another language
And have a lovely, romance filled hump day!
Kadian Tracey
Posted by Kendra Mei Chailyn (Kadian Tracey) at 11:45 PM 5 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
My Unforgotten Valentine...
But looking back, as I sift through the memories and trace their textured colours, I see now that it wasn't like that at all. The real truth? I could be strong, because your strength was so much greater. I could have faith, because your faith was so much simpler. I could endure, because your courage was so much deeper
Somehow you filled the space you were in. Not with words, or with demands, or even obligations. Just filled it gently, then overflowed, and gave, and gave, and gave. I knew from the start that I would always share you with the world. Everyone loved you, and there was just too much of you for only one heart to hold. But that was okay, too, because somehow the more you gave, the more you had to give.
Our time was so short, and now our "together-dreams" are gone. But we had so much. We lived so much. And I had the most precious gift of all. I had the chance to walk with you, even just for a little while. To share the moments of pain and to comfort you, the moments of fear and to hold you, the moments of peace and the moments of joy, and to be touched by your humility and your courage. I was able to walk with you, and then to watch as you walked on out of sight to a place where I cannot follow until another time.
But, though the empty space in my heart is now as great as the space you once filled, I can be at peace with your going, just as you were. And I can be at peace because, through all those long, dark hours, it wasn't I who prepared you for the dying, but you who prepared me for the staying behind.
The way was hard, sometimes. And so often you would thank me for the little things. And you said that you were glad that you had found me, and that I had touched your life. But, looking back, I see that if I did, in some small way, touch your life, it was because of the way you loved me. And in giving me the joy of loving you my life was touched, and healed, and changed. And, for just a little while, I held in my hand the most precious gift of all.
A tribute to my late husband Gary
My Unforgotten Valentine...
Who passed away from bone cancer almost 12 years ago.
The man who taught me that fishing could be the most romantic thing ever (see My Most Romantic Moment) has, sadly,
Gone Fishing...
Posted by Unknown at 8:41 AM 5 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Valentine's Day: Have you got a Man or a Boy?
Man Gift: Godivas placed on your pillow with a little note
Boy Gift: A gift card to Old Navy/GAP/Target
Man Gift: Doing all the laundry and putting it away
Boy Gift: Dinner out (probably local pub with sports on in the background)
Man Gift: He makes you dinner...AND cleans up
Boy Gift: Trial membership to the gym (so not only is he telling you to lose weight he doesn't think you'll stick with it...nice)
Man Gift: Gift certificate to the spa for a full day of beauty (if you have children it also means he takes the kids)
Boy Gift: Something sexy and lacy for you to wear for him. (Resembles dental floss and will give you a severe wedgie)
Man Gift: A bubble bath with wine, candles and music....by yourself. (He waits patiently for you to finish..never once asking.."Are you done yet.")

Last but not least, when you emerge from the bedroom in your carefully chosen outfit (Which by the way probably was result of trying on 87 different combinations) he will of course have something to say. The BOY says..."Oh, you're wearing that?" The MAN smiles broadly and says...."You look beautiful."Happy Valentine's Day Ladies. I hope you've all got a great MAN. I know I do.
Posted by Sara Humphreys at 6:00 AM 6 comments
Labels: Love, Romance, Sara Taney Humphreys, Valentine's Day
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Romance Novels in Poetry
I am afraid to love, and yet I love you.
I know someday we will be in a field
But now I'm still afraid that I might lose you,
Or like a flower it will fade
Into the wall of unpicked dreams
Love fades, afraid to speak this poem.
I came across this site this evening and was wowed. I chose these two poems to post because for me, they speak romance novels in a nutshell.
Posted by Bekki Lynn at 6:59 PM 3 comments
Labels: Bekki Lynn
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
FOREVER, I DO: A Loving Dedication
For the month of February, Loose-Id will release titles with a wedding theme in support of those who want to love and marry who they want. Forever, I Do co-authored by myself and Taige Crenshaw is our contribution to a quartet of special themed releases called "Marriage For All".
When the call went out to submit a proposal for "Marriage For All" our publisher was looking for stories featuring everything from Bridezillas or Always a Bridesmaid but Never the bride, to a gay man who's planned his wedding since he was five, but finds society not as welcoming to his idea of eternal bliss.
Even though I didn't think we would get the contract, Taige Crenshaw and I submitted a proposal and to our delight and surprise they liked itour story of an interracial relationship set in the deep South. Although race plays a factor in Forever, I Do, the real conflict arises when the hero, Ashley Benedict, wedding planner extraordinare, accidentally takes a taste of his client's bewitched wedding cake samples.
Known for their good luck, Rosaline Fletcher's wedding cakes are infused with a loving spell, which produces long-lasting marriages where the men never stray, the women don't nag, and 99.7 percent never face each other on opposite ends of a court room. And as you can guess, after tasting the heroine's cake samples, Ashley suddenly becomes desirous of Rosalind's other "goodies" and won't stop until he has tasted all of them.
While writing the story, in 8 harrowing days no less, we had alot of fun and stumbled across a little irony. While writing the cake tasting scene. where Ashley becomes bewitched, we came up with a name for the room where the bride and groom are left alone in order for the spell to take affect. This room came to be called The Loving Room.
While halfway through the story, I realized that The Loving Room had the same name as an interracial couple who'd fought to remain married and raise their children in Virginia. And who won a ground breaking case Loving Vs. Virgina , which overturned America's miscegenation laws in 1967.
Realizing this, I became fascinated with their story of how a quiet boy who grew up down a country road from a little girl and fell in love with her and decided to marry her. But, Richard Loving was white and Mildred Jeter (yes, she's a distant cousin of baseball player Derek Jeter) was black. And at the time in the state of Virginia, their marrying would result in a felony charge and time in jail.
In order to skirt the Racial Integrity Act, Mildred and Richard drove 80 miles to Washington, D. C. to be married by a minister they'd picked out of a phone book. Upon returning to Virginia, the happy couple settled back into life with their marriage certificate proudly tacked to their bedroom wall.
However, after less than two months of wedded bliss, an anonymous tip sent the local sheriff to the happy couple's home in the middle of the night in hopes of catching them in a sexual act (another crime at the time).
Caught in their sleep, the couple were arrested and charged under Section 20-58 of the Virginia Code, which prohibited interracial couples from being married out of state and then returning to Virginia, and Section 20-59, which classified "miscegenation" as a felony punishable by a prison sentence of between one and five years.
After Richard spent one night in jail and a pregnant Mildred five, the Lovings pleaded guilty and were sentenced to one year in prison, with the sentence suspended for 25 years, if they left the state.
The Lovings packed up and moved back to Washington D.C. But after five years, the couple became homesick and wanted to move back to Virginia. So, Mildred sat down and on lined notebook paper wrote Robert Kennedy who referred her to the ACLU, who on their behalf filed a motion in the state trial court to vacate the judgment and set aside the sentence on the grounds that the violated statutes ran counter to the Fourteenth Amendment.
While preparing their motion, the couple's lawyer, Bernard Cohen, remembers Mr. Loving advising him to, “Tell the court I love my wife, and it is just unfair that I can’t live with her in Virginia.”
Of course, the state courts wouldn't budge, so their case went all the way to the Supreme Court. After eight long years and many setbacks, the U.S. Supreme Court decided unanimously in the Loving's favor.
Inspired by their great sacrifice we've dedicated our book Forever, I Do, which was released today to the Lovings, who weren't looking for fame or fortune just the right to love.
Click to read an excerpt of Forever, I Do
by Koko Brown
Posted by Koko Brown at 9:30 PM 6 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
An Inspirational Valentine
There are many stories behind the origin of Valentine’s Day, but this story has always been the one that struck a chord with me. Maybe it’s because I can see the romance of it. Late in the third century, around 270 A.D., the Roman Empire was in a downward spiral that it never quite recovered from. There were ever increasing threats from outside invaders, not to mention the lack of qualified men to serve in the government and the military. The reigning emperor, Claudius II, decided that single men were better suited than married men to serve in these capacities so he decided to ban marriage.
A local Christian bishop, Valentine, secretly continued to offer the sacrament of marriage to couples who desired to do so. When Claudius learned of this he had Valentine arrested and ordered him to convert to worshipping the pagan Roman gods.
Instead of converting, Valentine, displaying great dignity and valor, turned the tables on Claudius and attempted to convert him to Christianity even though the consequence could be his death. Claudius was unpersuaded and on the 24th of February he had Valentine executed.
While in prison, tradition has it that the jailer in charge asked Bishop Valentine to pray for his blind daughter to be healed. Through Valentine's prayers the daughter's sight was miraculously restored. Afterward Valentine penned a note to the daughter and signed it "from your Valentine."
Pulled from http://www.arcamax.com/features/s-39302-191078
While he didn’t have a Happy Ever After, he sure provided long-lasting inspiration for us all to strive for one.
I love Valentine’s Day. Granted we can and should be sharing our love and romance throughout the year, and many of us do - I love having a day where we can escape our hectic schedules and devote a few hours to romance.
A Bit of Trivia I came across: Valentine Traditions
Austria – an obscure tradition on the books is courtship where flowers are presented is associated with Valentine’s Day.
Australia – during the gold rush, those who found their fortune would send elaborate valentines made of satin cushions, scented and decorated with flowers, shells and stuffed humming bird or bird of paradise. They were elaborated packaged and sent.
Britain – when the day would come, magazines would publish sonnets and verses in honor of St Valentine.
Denmark – transparent cards are given, but when held up to the light it would show the lover giving his girl a gift. People would swap poems and snow candy and send each other silly and playful love notes with names signed in dots. If the receiver figures out who sent the note, the sender will receive an egg at Easter.
France – an outlawed custom was one where they’d enter a house and call out the window of the one the one they wanted for a mate. If the man didn’t like his mate, he’d desert her and the ladies would burn photos and what have in bonfires and name calling would ensue. Now cards are given.
Germany – the males of courting couples would give flowers, while married men would give their wives roses and chocolate, etc. Love notes, cards are given any day of the year.
Italy – no longer done is the gathering of couples in ornamental gardens to listen to poetry and music. Now they simply announce their engagement on Valentine’s Day. In Rome the day is known as Lupercalia, and is a day of love and romance.
Scotland – during a festival, singles would put their names in hats, male in one, female in another and names would be drawn. Sometimes this would result in marriages by the end of the dance or just the woman wearing their Valentine’s name on their sleeve. There is also a practice of when the first man or woman walks by you they will be your Valentine. Another tradition is to exchange gifts or rings.
Spain – it’s the custom for dating couples to exchange gifts while husbands send roses to their wives.
Daring to be different…
Dare to discover…passion-secrets-love
A Psychic Hitch – Last Glass of Wine – Servin’ It Up
Posted by Bekki Lynn at 8:05 AM 12 comments
Labels: Bekki Lynn
Friday, February 6, 2009
Perfect Romance
Romance doesn't always go the way we dream they should. In our young minds, there is nothing but love and love conquors the world. Prince Charming glides across the floor and sees no other and whisks me off my feet and life is magic from there. For most of us anyway.
Then we grow and find with our first love comes heartache and tears. Oh, the dramatics. This is about the time teenage girls begin to read romance novels. They're looking for that magic they dreamed about and their first experience didn't bring it on.
While this isn't why I began writing romance, it's a prime example of why I love to write like it's real life. There is so much women and men go through that romance where everything lines up all nice and neat doesn't necessarily help. It's an escape, yes. It's taking their minds off their trouble for a hour at a time. But what I like to see and what I like to show is that fictional characters have the same issues that any one or two of the readers can relate to and maybe find peace or a solution in how they might handle it themselves. Maybe give insight as to where the other side of the fence is coming from.
Love is never going to be perfect, but it' how we learn to handle it, how we learn to grow with it and how we learn to live with it. This is what I keep in mind while I'm writing. I want my characters to experience the ups, downs and survive it all. To come out in the end with the person who is going to walk with them to be all they can be. Happily Ever After isn't always going to be a straight and narrow path of merry little hearts circling around your head.
Thank goodness.
Without the trials how would we know the real thing? How could we appreciate the other person? Where would the bonding come from? Reminds me of the saying 'you can't live on love alone'. No, you can't.
So, tell me what you like in the romances you read. Come on, don't be shy? It's ok if you want the straight-line romances to escape with. Our differences are what makes us all work. :)
~~ Add a book to an Easter Basket this year. ~~
Interested in an autographed copy of Servin' It Up, email me at bekkilynn2006@yahoo.com for info.
Posted by Bekki Lynn at 12:21 PM 7 comments
Labels: Bekki Lynn
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Year of the Romantic Heart... Be kiss-ready...

TWO is the number of relationship and romance in numerology. February is the month of TWO, thus, absolutely perfect for Valentine’s Day. I’m telling you the Love Goddess, whether you call her Venus or Aphrodite, knows the art of planning and encouraging romance. And she has her celestial divine ways.
Yes, this is the year to ~~~ Be kiss-ready ~~~

Now, the couple in the commercial, while cute in a teenage way... has little to do with the true possibilities and pleasures of being *kiss-ready* ~~~ for, what if you could look forward to delicious sweet and wild kisses from the lover of your choice everyday...what if...what if your lover bestowed your favorite kisses everyday and craved that time when you would bestow their favorite kisses...
Tell me, how much would that improve the love quality of your life?
On a global scale, how much would that improve the world for all us???
You betcha, a whole darn lot. If people were smooching up a passionate storm, how many would really care about fighting wars, for example?
And, how much fun could life be and become, if you and your beloved are always *kiss-ready* for each other?
Gals and guys, I say make it your sweetest goal this year to *be kiss-ready” ~~~
Since I remembered, this is a poem I wrote about thirteen years ago, about how just one kiss can transform a person’s life. I wrote it for the beginning of my first novella, Savage Gameswoman, so be kind...it was awhile ago.
Whose soul
has not been
transformed by the perfect kiss?
The first kiss beyond innocense–
The passion-ruled kiss without end–
The terrible soft kiss of farewell–
Whose life
has not turned
upon a kiss?
Each kiss we heart-soaring treasure–
Each torrid-sparking kiss that ignites the flesh–
Each kiss of promised sweetest love–
Whose heart
was never changed
upon a lip-honey kiss?
The remembered rapture of rolling kisses–
The night kisses of imagination’s fire–
I ask you!
Whose journey
was never altered
upon one kiss?
Oh, and reading romance novels could definitely be a kiss-ready aid. I’ll confess something that’s probably obvious. I love watching couples kiss...the movies, TV shows, and for real...especially when the kiss or kisses are from the heart. And as an author, I sigh over writing those kisses...no matter how sweet and tender or how passionate and scorching.

The New Covey Cover Awards: Entry #26 - When a Good Angel Falls
Title: When a Good Angel Falls Author: Savanna Kougar Cover Artist: Jinger Heaston Genre: Fantasy futuristic, erotic romance. Links: ~ http://www.sirenpublishing.com/jinger/ ~ ...
The New Covey Cover Awards - http://thenewcoveycoverawards.blogspot.com/ ~
My hero in When a Good Angel Falls, Volcano, is what is known as a carnal cherub. That is, he can operate in either the mortal or immortal realms. Since he’s here on Earth, albeit in 2012, with his heroine, Sedona, he gives me his angelic forecast each week. This one is about LOVE and the number 2 ~
February 2, 2009
Angelic Forecast ~ XXII
“Okay,” I murmur, “the 2's definitely have it. Here.” I feel astounded to say the cosmic-least, as I stare THE NUMBERS. All the numbers.
“Two, the magical and mystical I love you.” The Heavenly One has popped out of the ethers beside me.
“It must be all about love,” I say, entranced by the sight of Venus, hanging high above the western horizon, and so amazingly bright in the night sky, I can scarcely believe it.
“February, the second month, ushers in new horizons for love...for being loved.”
Suddenly a glistening shower of itsy bitsy pink hearts fall before my eyes.
MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ http://sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~ or at the Title Magic blog ~
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Posted by Savanna Kougar at 4:58 AM 7 comments
Labels: Be Kiss-Ready, Kissing and Romance, love poetry, Romance in the Year of Two, Savanna Kougar ~ romance author, Siren-BookStrand Publishing, When a Good Angel Falls
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Daffodils and Pink Roses
Posted by Linda Banche at 6:13 PM 15 comments
Labels: courtship, daffodils, Daffodils and Pink Roses, flowers, genes, Linda Banche, pink roses